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Search by Penn State Researcher
Abbasi GharehTapeh, E.
Abrams, M. D.
Adams, T. S.
Ahlswede, B.
Alam, S.
Aliaga, C.
Alley, R. B.
Alpirez de Davie, G.
Amaro-Rivera, Y.
Anandakrishnan, S.
Armaou, A.
Atil, B.
Baczynski, A. A.
Badjatia, N.
Baka, J.
Baker, R. M.
Banghoff, J. R.
Baniszewski , J.
Baraibar, B.
Barbercheck, M. E.
Barkley, Z. R.
Bartos, E. A.
Bastihalli Tukaramrao, D.
Basting, A. V.
Batra, K.
Baumann, M. D.
Baxter, R. E.
Beckman, M. D.
Bharadwaj, A.
Bhatt, J.
Bhowmik, A.
Bian, Y.
Bilén, S.G.
Bills, B. W.
Bishop, J. A.
Blanda, T.R.
Bocklund, K.
Bolivar, A. J.
Bostan, S.M.
Bowley, K.
Bradley, B.
Bralower, T.
Brantley, S. L.
Breakall, J.K.
Brennan, M. A.
Bridger, J. C.
Broach, J. R.
Brooks, R. P.
Brouillette, D. J.
Brown, J. E.
Brune, W. H.
Bruns, M.
Bruns, M. A.
Buck , A.
Budurlean, L.
Bui, P. T.
Burgess , M.
Burton, A. B.
Butler, M. P.
Byron, M. L.
Cai, Q.
Camargo, G. G. T.
Camillone, N. R.
Carline, R. F.
Carlson, R. W.
Carlson, T. N.
Carstens, J.
Cattadori, I.
Cavanaugh, M.
Chan, K.
Chan, M.
Chartrand, S.
Chatterjee, S.
Chen, Chin-Hsuan
Chen, X.
Chen, X.
Chen, Xiaowen
Chen, Y.
Chinchilli, V. M.
Clark, J. P.
Clausen, R. L.
Clothiaux, E. E.
Clyne, E.
Coco, A. M.
Colbert , M.
Colby, R. H.
Comer, C. Lyn
Couradeau , E.
Crabb, P. B.
Cremer, P. S.
Cueva, S. F.
Curtis, W.
Darku, I. D.
Davis, K. J.
Dawson, R.
DeLyser, M. R.
Dementyev, M.
Deng, A.
Dennis, E.
Dennis, L. E.
Dias, M. S.
Didlake Jr., A. C.
Diefenbach, D. R.
Dinsmore, L. R.
DiPietro, J.
Dolney, T. J.
Dovat, S.
Dudas, P.
Dudley, E. G.
Duffy, C. J.
Duncan, J. M.
Dunn, N. J. H.
Durham, E. L.
Eaddy, S. L.
Easterling, L.
Eissenstat, D.
El-Bayoumy, K.
Ellis, C. R.
Engelder, T.
Evans, J. L.
Fan, D.
Farrell, N. P.
Faux-Dugan, L.
Feldstein, S. B.
Feng, J.
Feng, S.
Fernandez, C.
Fescemyer, H. W.
Fetter, M. E.
Finley, J. C.
Finney, D. M.
Foley, B. J.
Forest, C. E.
Forgeng, M. J.
Forsythe, B.
Fox, A. C.
Freeman, K. H.
Fuentes, J. D.
Fuller, R. W.
Galindo, F.
Gaudet, B.
Gervais, M. M.
Gillespie, H. E.
Goel, S.
Goldenberg, D.
Goldrich, D. Y.
Gonzales, M.
Graap, S.
Green, K. D.
Greybush, S. J.
Guarnieri, M.
Gutama, B.
Hajek, E.
Hanna, C.
Hansen, M.
Hantsoo, K.
Harnish, R. J.
Harper , J.
Harper, M. T.
Harrington, J. Y.
Harrison, A.
Hartman, C. M.
Hatlee, T. P.
Haupt, B. J.
Hendy, H.
Hennessey, M.
Herbstritt, S.
Herman, A.
Herrell, C.
Herrera, C.
Herrera-Amaya, A.
Hickey, R. J.
Hile, A.
Hoffman, A. L.
Hooker, J. N.
Horne, J.
House, C.
Hristov, A. N.
Hsi, Y.
Huang, T.
Huang, Z.
Hughes, D. P.
Hunter, M.
Hyde, A. S.
Hymel, K. P.
Infantolino, B. W.
Janalizadeh, R.
Jansky, J.
Jenkins, J. M.
Jensen, A. A.
Jewtoukoff, V.
Ji, X.
Jiménez-Sánchez, G.
Jones, L. F.
Kapur, V.
Karsten, H. D.
Kasting, J. F.
Katani, R.
Katona, A.
Katona, B. T.
Kawasaki, K.
Kawasaki, M.
Kaye, J. P.
Keller, K.
Kellogg, G. D.
Kelly, M. C.
Kemanian, A. R.
Kenion, H.
Kerby, J.
Kidder , K. M.
Kim, K. C.
Kirby, E.
Klees, A. M.
Kong, N.
Kopp, M.
Kozar, M. E.
Krum, D.
Kubicki, J. D.
Kumar, S.
Kumjian, M. R.
Kump, L.
Kuntala, P. K.
Kurth, J. D.
Kuzu, G.
LaBarge, B.
LaChat, G.
Lage, C. F. A.
Lai, T.
Lai, W. K. M.
Langford, E. A.
Langkilde, T.
Laurencin, C. N.
Lauvaux, T.
Lawrence, C. W.
Lear, B.
LeBel, L. J.
Lebold, K.
Lee, S.
Leites, L.
Leonard, L.
Lesniewski, M. C.
Li, W.
Li, X.
Li, Z.
Li, Z.
Liao, Y.
Libardoni, A. G.
Lin, H. S.
Lloyd, E. C.
Lloyd, S. E.
Loeffler, S.
Lombardo , K.
Lopez, C.
Lu, K.
Luloff, A. E.
Lurie, M.
MacAyeal, D.R.
Machtinger, E. T.
MacLeod, K. J.
Mahony, S.
Mairose, J. D.
Maiti, B.
Mandalaparthy, V.
Mann, M. E.
Manson, A. C.
Mao, J.
Maranas, J. K.
Marden, J. H.
Markowski, P.
Marone, C.
Martin, A. E.
Mathers, R. T.
Mathews, J.D.
McCormick , G. L.
McFarland, P. J.
Mejia, C.
Melgar, A.
Memari, S.
Memarian , S.
Meyers, C.
Milarachi, E.
Miles, N. L.
Miller, D. A.
Miller, D. O.
Miller, S. K.
Milner, S. T.
Mistretta, K. S.
Mitchell, A.
Mittal, C.
Moeller, M.
Monteiro, V.
Montes, F. R.
Moon, Z. L.
Morrison , H.
Mortensen, D. A.
Motch Perrine, S. M.
Moyle, A.
Mullinax, J. W.
Mundl-Pietermeier, A.
Murdzek , S.
Murphy, S. L.
Murrell, E. G.
Myers, W. L.
Nardi, K. M.
Nathan, B.
Neal, M.
Nedelkov, K.
Niu, X.
Noid, W. G.
Noll, J.
Núñez Ocasio, K. M.
Nyblade, A.
Nystrom, R. G.
Oh, J.
Olson, G. A.
Ott, T.
Pan, Y.
Parizek, B. R.
Pasko, V. P.
Passonneau, R. J.
Patterson, A. D.
Pearson, D. G
Peck, J. E.
Peck, K. L.
Peeler, J. L.
Perkinson, E. S.
Pervez, Z.
Peters, J.
Phillips, S.
Piazza, S.
Pokrifka, G.
Pollard, D.
Polston, J. E.
Post, E.
Pourpoint, M.
Pugh, B. F.
Radzio-Basu, J.
Räisänen, S. E.
Rana Sk, J.
Regan, J. M.
Regan, K. H.
Reimink, J. R.
Ren, X.
Rendon, J.
Ricciardi, V.
Richard, T. L.
Richardson, S. J.
Richardson, Y. P.
Richtsmeier, J. T.
Rimal, B.
Robertson, M. A.
Rocco, D. J.
Roman, R.
Rossi, M. J.
Roth, G. W.
Rowen, E.
Rozum, R.
Rubenson, J.
Ruckert, K. L.
Rudzinski, J. F.
Rui, D.
Ruppert, J. H.
Ryan, M. R.
Sabbatelli, T. A.
Saha, D.
Samaddar, A.
Samson, D.
San Julian, G. J.
Sapkota, V.
Sarmiento, D.
Sarmiento, D. P.
Schilling, M.
Schipanski , M.
Schneider, K.
Schneper, L.
Schwans, E.
Sciamanna, C. N.
Sen, A.
Shaheen, S. W.
Shao, M.
Shaughnessy, A. R.
Sheldon, K.
Shen , J.
Shi, Q.
Shi, Y.
Shirey, S. B.
Shortle, J. S.
Shouse, E. M.
Showalter, S. A.
Sigdel, S.
Simpfendoerfer, L. F.
Slingerland, R. L.
Smeglin, Y.
Smith, P.
Smithwick, E. A.
Sokolowsky, G.
Sorber, J. D.
Spayd, J.
Sreenivas, K.
Srikrishnan, V.
Srinivasan, S.
Stauffer, D.
Stefenoni, H. A.
Steiner, K. C.
Steinkruger, D.
Steinman, B. A.
Stensrud, D.
Sterner, G. E.
Stevens , N. T.
Stine, J. G.
Stone, J.
Stouffer, B.
Sturtz, M.
Szukalo, R.
Thompson, N.
Thompson, N.
Thompson, N.
Tiffin, H. S.
Tingley , M.
Tooker, J. F.
Trauger, M.
Traver, B.E.
Tripathi, J.
Tschakert, P.
Tseng, C.
Turnbull, J.
Urbina, J.
Urbina, J.V.
Verlinde, J.
Vigeant, M. C.
Walker, R. J.
Wallace, J. M.
Walter, W. D.
Wang, A.
Wang, M.
Wardrop, D. H.
Warner, E. D.
Warner, G. R. T.
Wasner, D.
Wasson, D. E.
Waterton, N.
Waugaman, S. D.
Wen, T.
Wesloh, D.
White, C. M.
White, T. S.
Widga, C.
Wilf, P. D.
Williams, K.
Wilson, J. A.
Woda, J.
Wray, S. C.
Wu, F.
Wu, J.
Xiao, M.
Xue, L.
Yamada, N.
Yao, Z.
Ye, X.
Yildiz, K.
Yip, E. C.
Young, G. S.
Yoxtheimer, D.
Yu, C.
Zahin, T.
Zang, X. C.
Zarzycki, C.
Zenner, E. K.
Zerbe, J.
Zhang, F.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Yunji
Zhang, Z.
Zheng, G.
Zheng, Z.
Zhu, T.
Zimmerer, K.
Zinn, H. C.
Zugger, M. E.
Search by Penn State College/Department/Center
Aerospace Engineering
Applied Research Laboratory
Cancer Institute
Center for Environmental Informatics
Center for Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis
College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Arts and Architecture
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Health and Human Development
College of Health and Human Development
College of Information Sciences and Technology
College of Medicine
College of Medicine
Criminal Justice Research Center
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
Department of Animal Science
Department of Anthropology
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Department of Biology
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Department of Economics
Department of Entomology
Department of Food Science
Department of Geography
Department of Geosciences
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
Department of Kinesiology
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Meteorology
Department of Physics
Department of Plant Science
Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Department of Statistics
Department of Electrical Engineering
Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences
Earth and Environmental Systems Institute
Eberly College of Science
Ecosystem Science Management
Huck Institute of the Life Sciences
Institute for Policy Research and Evaluation
Institutes of Energy and the Environment
Mathematics and Geoscience
Office of Physical Plant
School of Forest Resources
Search by Institution
University of Pennsylvania Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Addis Ababa University
Air Force Research Laboratory
Alfred University
Animal and Plant Health Agency, Surrey, United Kingdom
Appalachian Regional Council
Argonne National Laboratory
Auburn University
AVT Natural, Kerala, India
Bionano Genomics
Brigham Young University
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
California Institute of Technology
Case Western Reserve University
Center for Severe Weather Research
Cisgen Biotech Discoveries Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
Clark University
Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia (UK)
Collégial international Sainte-Anne
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Columbia University
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Core Data
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
De Heus Animal Nutrition, Ede, The Netherlands
Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Global Environment and Disaster Prevention Sciences, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Durham University, UK
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Granada, Spain
ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental Systems Science, Zürich, Switzerland
Eureka Scientific
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
FLIR Systems, Inc.
Florida State University
Ghana Health Service
Harvard Medical School
Harvard University
Hedin Evironmental
I.M. Systems Group Inc. (IMSG) at NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Mayo Clinic
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Eastern Regional Station, Kolkata, India
IITA: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Imperial College, London, UK
Indiana University
Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
INRAE, UCA-VAS, UMRH Centre ARA, Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
Lake Superior State University
Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, NY, USA
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lelystad, The Netherlands
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Biomaterials, Research Campus Golm
Mayo Clinic
McGill University
McMaster University
Michigan State University
Missouri State University
Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
National Biodiesel Board
National Cancer Institute
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado
National Climatic Data Center
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
National Park Service
National Weather Service
National Weather Service, NOAA
Natural Resources Institute Finland, Helsinki, Finland
Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
Nevada System of Higher Education
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NOAA Fisheries
NOAA OAR Office of Science
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
North Carolina State University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
Ohio State Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering
Oklahoma State University
Olds College
Open Space Institute
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Parc scientifique Agropolis II
Penn State
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Picarro, Inc.
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Princeton University
Purdue University
Renewable Fuels Association
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University
Rutgers University
Smithsonian Institution
Sokoine University of Agriculture
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
SpectroMaitrise, CAPACITÉS, 26, bd Vincent Gâche - 44200 Nantes, France
SRM University: SRM Institute of Science and Technology
SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Stanford University
State University of New York at Potsdam
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY Albany
Susquehanna River Basin Commission SRBC
Swiss Academy of Sciences
Synoptic Science
Tamil Nadu University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Teagasc, AGRIC, Grange, Ireland
Temple University
Texas A&M-Commerce
Texas Tech University
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The College of New Jersey
The Conservation Fund
The National Center for Atmospheric Research
The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
U S Department of Agriculture
U S Department of Commerce
U S Department of Energy
U S Department of Justice
U S Energy Information Administration
U S Geological Survey
Univ. Bordeaux
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Université de Nantes, CNRS, CEISAM UMR 6230, F-44000 Nantes, France
Université de Paris Cité
Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, MD
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
University of Adelaide, Australia
University of Alabama in Huntsville
University of Alberta
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia
University of California
University of California at Davis
University of California Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
University of Cambridge
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Guelph
University of Idaho
University of Illinois
University of Leeds
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts
University of Melbourne
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Montréal
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
University of New South Wales
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Oregon
University of Orleans, CNRS, Orleans, France
University of Oxford
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Reading, Earley Gate, Reading, UK
University of Saskatchewan
University of Utah
University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory
University of Washington
University of Western Australia
University of Wisconsin
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Verisk Analytics
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Virginia Tech
Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
West Virginia University
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Yale University
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