Abstract | Coralpos - Data included:Coralpos.mrkvw, Coralpos.txt, POS1014.wiff, POS1014.wiff.mtd, POS1014.wiff.scan, untitled.mds
Experiment 1
Min. Retention Time 0.00 min
Max. Retention Time 20.00 min
Subtraction Offset 10 scans
Subtraction Mult. Factor 1.3
Noise Threshold 100
Min. Spectral Peak Width 15 ppm
Min. RT Peak Width 3 scans
Retention Time Tolerance 0.50 min
Mass Tolerance 100.0 ppm
Use Global Exclusion List False
Max. Number of Peaks 100000....... Metabolomics is a tool for either discovering cellular responses to external stimuli such as toxicant administration or cataloging metabolic pathways in health and disease. In addition to examining endogenous molecular changes in response to stimuli, metabolomics can equally be applied to the examination of xenobiotic metabolites, the footprints of cellular metabolism that are left on xenobiotic molecules. |