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TitleThree-dimensional wind syntheses from airborne dual-Doppler datasets obtained during the VORTEX project used to investigate the structure of vortex lines in supercell thunderstorms in the Markowski et al. (2008) study
AbstractThe dataset contains airborne Doppler radar data and gridded 3D wind syntheses from the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment in 1994–1995, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and National Science Foundation. The dataset also includes the code used for the interpolation of the raw radar data to a Cartesian grid and the dual-Doppler wind retrieval. The code used to construct the vortex lines also is included.
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Markowski, P.
Penn State Department of Meteorology

Data Access

Markowski, P. M., J. M. Straka, E. N. Rasmussen, R. P. Davies-Jones, Y. Richardson, and R. J. Trapp, 2008: Vortex lines within low-level mesocyclones obtained from pseudo-dual-Doppler radar observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 3513–3535.